God’s love

My eldest wrote this on her journal 4 years ago when she was 10 years old. So amazed and proud that she understood what Jesus did on the cross 2000+ years ago for you and for me. Posting so I will always remember how time flies so fast and that each that day that passes… Continue reading God’s love

Beautiful in His time

March 9, 2020 15 years in the making – today, God fulfilled my greatest desire – to re-marry my best friend, my one true love, with Christ in the center and in front of our families, friends and people closest to our hearts. Several years ago, when I wanted things my way, I planned for… Continue reading Beautiful in His time

Find your joy in the Lord

The people closest to our heart are the ones who usually cause us pain. Such a cliche. We always hope to experience love and acceptance and forgiveness from the person we love but we do not most often than not. We find our security and identity in them and when they hurt us, we become… Continue reading Find your joy in the Lord


To my husband, All these years, I thought I love you more. I was so proud and I thought I have always given you all the love, attention and care that you need. I was deceived by the idea that I was letting you know that I love you and was so busy thinking that… Continue reading Valentine

Faith Goal Answered

My number 1 faith goal for the year is not about something materialistic. Rather, it is a prayer that I have been praying for unceasingly for the past years. It is not something for me either. It is something special and life changing. My brother had been addicted to drugs for maybe the past 3-4… Continue reading Faith Goal Answered

War Room

Only the people closest to our hearts can bring so much pain. I don’t get hurt easily but I still do and I think it is God’s way of reminding me that He is there and I can always run to Him for comfort and strength. Recently, we watched the movie War Room. It touched… Continue reading War Room

This is it!

More than 4 years ago, we were hesitant about my husband going back to school to finish his degree. The more that I became hesitant when he had to start all over again. Staring over again would mean 4 years of pure hardwork for me (because I will only be the one working to support… Continue reading This is it!

Wait on the Lord

After four years of studying and me waiting for my husband to finish his degree, he is finally at the last phase. Two more semesters of on-the-job training and he is out of college! Years ago, we turned down my husband’s mom whenever she would offer to assist financially so my husband can go back to… Continue reading Wait on the Lord

How to Keep your Husband Beautiful

I have stumbled upon a wonderful entry from a pastor’s blog (http://www.actlikeaman.org/wife-beautiful/)  entitled “How to keep your wife beautiful”. I want to share with you what it says: 1. Encourage her always. Our words bring life and beauty. Tell your wife she is beautiful and that she is doing a great job as a wife… Continue reading How to Keep your Husband Beautiful