A beautiful birth

After months of waiting, our second bundle of joy finally arrived. It was a rainy Monday, the 26th of May at 3:48 in the afternoon when I first saw Katy’s beautiful face. I prayed for God’s hand to be with the doctors and all the staff who will assist me, a safe and easy delivery… Continue reading A beautiful birth

Mommy Anniversary

Today marks the 9th birthday of my eldest child. Through all the years of her existence, she has never been excited about her birthday just like she was this year. She started her countdown a month before her big day and would update me every night. She was just too excited and the excitement radiated… Continue reading Mommy Anniversary

God is able

We were so busy about the holidays when we found out that we are having another baby last year. Gifts, travel, food are mainly what preoccupied us and so I guess the reality that our second bundle of joy coming soon didn’t sink in yet. I realized that I am almost halfway my pregnancy. I… Continue reading God is able

Week 4

Hey baby you’re finally here I’ve been waiting for you for 8 long yrs Penelope’s excited to hug and hold you Your daddy keeps touching my belly to feel you I knew the signs that i once felt long ago Are repeating now and i had to forego A dream wedding that’s been in the… Continue reading Week 4

Math Tutor

My daughter had 3 days off from school but only started doing her assignments the night before she returns to school. I had been asking her several times to sit down and open her books but she just wouldn’t do it. So on the last minute, we were cramming. She had Science, Computer and Math… Continue reading Math Tutor