Give Out of the Overflow of Your Gratitude and Praises to God

A colleague’s son got sick. Her son kept vomiting and has high fever. It has been 3 days already and her son was not getting fully well. Today, she told me her son still has fever but does not vomit anymore. She was so worried and I advised her to bring her son to the hospital. She wanted to but could not because they do not have the means to pay for hospital bills.

It was coincidental that a few days before her son got sick, we were talking about how hard it is when our kids get sick. I told her that I discovered a health card that’s not so heavy on the pocket but useful just the same. This health card is only for one time use and valid for one year after activation.  The good thing about it is that you can use it for emergency cases and in case you get admitted from ER the bill is still covered. I sent her the link to where I purchased it and she got excited because it was way much more affordable than other health cards. She told me she would purchase probably at the end of the month, after payday.

I do not have much to share but something inside is telling me to help her. I prayed and got the assurance that the idea is not just from me but from God when I read Rica Bonifacio’s blog entry about giving by chance. She said that when you give, it is not about you, it is about an overflow of your gratitude and praise to God.That we are instruments to dispense God’s grace and glory.

I ordered the health card online and will be delivered to my colleague’s home in a few days. I pray that the card will not be used but if it is the Lord’s will, I know the card will be a big help.

I am not blessed with overflowing money. In fact, to purchase the health card I had to ask for my sister’s help. But I choose to give nonetheless, because I am grateful to the good Lord for all the great things He is doing in my life and and family’s life and I pray that I bless others as much as I am blessed as an outpour of my love and endless gratitude to Him who continues to sustain me.

I am reminded that one does not need to have a lot to give. God can and will use you to be a blessing to others.

Proverbs 3:27  “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.”



By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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