2015 Highlights

There were a lot of wonderful things that happened in 2015 and every single blessing is to be credited to the Lord. I’ve listed the past year’s highlights:

God allowed that more and more of my family members get to know Christ more. We’ve shared the gospel to 3 of my nephews and nieces and to one of my brothers and they all accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We’ve worshiped altogether for quite a few times and still praying that there will be more of that this year. God also paved a way for my other sisters and their family go to church with us. We’ve inserted a gospel tract that we got from our church and another movement that aims to spread the gospel to almost all of our Christmas gifts to loved ones.



We finally joined a dgroup. God  used EJ’s depression to lead us to have a spiritual family who prayed for us, gave us godly advice and helped us grow more with the Lord. Bonus part is, we are all married couples in the group and same age bracket too (exactly what we have prayed for years ago!).


EJ graduated from reading the Bible completely for the very first time. He also graduated from college and soon after, he landed a homebased job too.


We finally made a bold move to move out of our old house. God brought us to a newer, bigger and more beautiful house. When I look back, I see God’s hand move. He lead us to a bigger house so we could let my sister’s children stay in our home. We now enjoy a spacious room and Penny has her own room now!




My sister would say I was very brave getting a car loan but I say I have faith that God wills that we get our family car already and that He will provide.


Penny is doing better in her new school. She is getting higher grades (although more review is still needed) and last year, she learned how to play the keyboards.


Katy learned how to walk last year and can’t stay still since then. She even learned how to dance last year too!



God provided for us spiritually and financially last year. He showered us more opportunities to earn and my prayer is that He continues to bless us so we can be a blessing to more people too.

I have a long list of the things I am grateful for the year that was, but my greatest blessing after Christ, is still these wonderful people who God gave me to love for and care for.



My prayer for the year 2016 is that I become worthy of these precious gifts. And that I continue to walk with the Lord and be who God wants me to be.


By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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