Complete Surrender

This year has been such a blessed year. A lot of answered prayers and a lot of boxes ticked off from my faith goals for this year. When I started writing down my 2015 faith goals, I had every intention to lift everything to God. I wrote down things that were, to me, really very far from reality, but I wrote it down anyway because as the title itself says : FAITH. So it should be written down with confidence and trust that God is all able and He will give everything, according to His plans.

So I wanted a car (for a very, very long time) and so I wrote that down as one of my goals for the year. And then of course, I also wrote down that this year too, I would learn how to drive a car.Would you believe that God answered my prayer of having a car just a bit after the first quarter of the year? I got approved for a car loan even when I only have my bank statements showing my income submitted as my requirement. And then we moved to a new house, which is also another big blessing for the year. But the extra expenses for the car’s monthly amortization and the increased rent of our new house and all others summed up to more than my income and I thought that enrolling myself to a driving school would probably not push through this year.

My husband got hired two months ago and started working from home too (another blessing). Although we were hoping it would be a full time account, we were happy with a part time job and saved the little that was left from his salary after we paid the monthly bill for the laptop we bought for his job and the different types of software he needs for work like Photoshop and anti-virus.

I really didn’t expect he’d offer to enroll me to a driving school. We went one day to a driving school office inside a mall and I went out the office already enrolled! Woohoo!

Today was my first day of class. I had a lecture for about 15 minutes and then the instructor asked me to drive. I was sweating, nervous and didn’t know what to do. I pressed down the clutch pedal and then the gas and then the car went dead. I literally cannot let the car move. I was hopeless, afraid. In fact, in my mind, I was already almost ready to believe that driving isn’t for me. But then, God reminded me that in my helplessness, He is my stronghold. I prayed and completely depended on His guidance. Would you believe that after my little prayer, I was able let the car move, very slowly but surely (haha!), made a left and right turn, made a u-turn and made a full stop. In about 45 minutes or so, I was driving along a busy road. I sure made a lot of mistakes – not being able to stay always in the middle of my lane, turn the steering wheel fast enough so I could make u-turn and press the break pedal carefully so it stop gradually and got a recommendation to have more practice, but I drove. I conquered my fear.

What am I pointing out? Well I’m sure a lot of people are in their lowest points and feels that no one would ever be able to lift them up. You feel that you are unworthy, unloved, not capable. You are scared, anxious and sad. But did you know that some 2000 years ago, someone died on the cross for you? Someone manifested His great love that He sent His only begotten Son to die for you so that you could live. Someone took up your sins and nailed them with Him so you could rest in eternity in heaven. Jesus died for me and you. He did all that because you and I are worthy. We are special. So if you think that you are nothing, think again. You are not. Jesus is always here, just waiting for you to draw near Him. You can completely rest knowing that you have Someone you can totally depend on.

Isaiah 41:13 “For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”


By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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