Pray. Care. Share

Our church is going through a 31-day journey of Pray, care and share. It is all about our church’s mission of making more disciples of Christ.

In the process of being a Christ-committed follower, we answer the call of making Christ-committed followers too. It should start with a simple prayer – asking the person how you can pray for them,  praying for and with them. And then you start to show them that you care. It really does not need to be a very big act of care. It can be a simple gesture of buying food for someone, opening the door for someone, lending a book or offering to help carry someone’s stuff. As the famous line goes: “A single act of kindness could go a long way.”

And then you start to share the gospel with them. It is but imperative that after receiving the gift of salvation ourselves, we help others understand their salvation too. We cannot just keep the good news to ourselves.

Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Jesus promised that He will enable us and equip us so we can continue the mission. He promised that He will be with us until the very end of age.

Years ago, I felt afraid of reaching out to people and sharing the gospel with them. I did not felt the need to do so. I felt incompetent and insecure. I felt that the task was hard to do. Today, God has impressed on my heart that it is not my will but His that will prevail. And His will is definitely to reach the ends of the world and save souls. Added bonus is, it is not just me carrying out the mission alone. God gave me a husband who has the same longing to carry the mission.

Yesterday, I asked my daughter if she knew where she will go when she dies. To my surprise, she said she didn’t know. I thought that going to a Christian school and going to Sunday School at our church made her aware of her salvation through Christ. I was so wrong to put the big task of sharing the good news to my daughter through others. But I was thankful enough that I asked her and I was given the privilege to be the one to share the gospel to her. We prayed and she accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior.

Today, I accidentally saw my husband’s messages to several people that he chose to care and asked them how he can pray for them. Some of them were surprised and all of them replied.

What a joy it is to pray for someone. What a blessing it is to be able to freely proclaim God’s goodness. What an honor it is to share the gospel to everyone.

Imagine when each one of us would share the gospel even to one person and that person does the same thing and the process goes on. How much rejoicing does heaven do when one soul is saved? How many more souls would be saved?


By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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