Thankful everyday

It isn’t just today, Father’s day, that I am thankful for the father of my two lovely daughters. Whenever I look at him, I am reminded of God’s love for me. I am in awe about how He orchestrated this life – from time I met my husband for the very first time and until now that we are already married. I cannot imagine parenting my children without him. This life has definitely been such a bliss because I have my husband around. Looking back at how much he has grown for the past years make me believe that truly God is in the works. I am just as excited at how God would unfold more wonderful stories and years for me and my family.



1 Corinthians 11:3 – But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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