Blessed and Full of Years

My dad celebrated his 81st birthday 2 days ago. What a blessing it has been to have seen him reach this age. What a privilege to have him as a father.

Growing up, I would recall him bringing me to school as he fetched my other siblings. He would wash me up after my sessions in the bathroom. He would listen to me singing my self-composed songs. He would wake up very early in the morning to cook our breakfast. He washed our clothes. These are just some of the things/sacrifices he made for us/me.

I am blessed to have such a father who has been there and demonstrated how much he loves us. With this, I have a few realizations:

1. The saying “you are too busy growing up that you didn’t realize your parents are growing old too” is sadly true. This didn’t really hit me until now that I see my father, lying on the bed and cannot move the left part of his body.

2. Now that I am a parent myself, I understand more the heart of my parents.

I want to live up to what the bible says “Honor your father and your mother so that it will go well with you”. I want to honor them not just because of God’s promise of blessing if I do but because my parents simply deserve the love and the honor.

My prayer is that in the future, my children will find partners in life who love God above all else and would honor us as their spouse’s parents. It would be such a blessing to witness how God would bless their families.



By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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