Wait on the Lord

After four years of studying and me waiting for my husband to finish his degree, he is finally at the last phase. Two more semesters of on-the-job training and he is out of college!

Years ago, we turned down my husband’s mom whenever she would offer to assist financially so my husband can go back to school and finish his studies. In our minds, he already has a job and earning so there is really no sense going back to school and then applying again eventually for a job. Well, after a few more pushes from my mother in law and we gave in. I remember saying a little prayer before saying “yes” to his mom and I said “Lord, if this is your will, please help us through with the finances.”

It is an uncertainty at that point whether I can support all of our finances while my husband is not earning. I was working in the corporate world then and my salary alone would not suffice our daily expenses, bills and our daughter’s tuition fee.

But then, something in me believed that we can get through this.

Throughout the course of 4 years, I was able to achieve my dream of working from home. I started earning small but God continues to shower me with bigger opportunities and I am earning a lot more now. More than enough to cover all bills and expenses.

It is such a fulfillment for me to be the provider of our family. Things may have a 360 degree turnaround when my husband graduates and I may finally take a rest and be a homemaker (my ultimate dream) by God’s grace. Until then I will continuously wait for God’s perfect timing in our lives. Truly, He makes everything beautiful in His time!

Psalm 27:14  Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.


My husband wearing his school uniform 🙂

By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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