Lessons from the Wisdom Tooth

Today is an important milestone in my husband’s life. His wisdom tooth began aching again a few days ago, but this time worsening. When it aches and even after drinking a pain reliever, the pain does not go away. He has to wait until it goes away naturally. I see how painful it was because he would not have agreed to go the dentist if it was still tolerable. My husband does not enjoy going to hospitals and clinics or seeing doctors. He definitely does not want to get confined, get an injection and neither does he want a TOOTH EXTRACTION.

He went to the dentist earlier. I knew he was scared so even though I was very sleepy due to lack of sleep that night because of taking care of the baby, I went with him anyway. We were fourth from the doctor’s queue. It was like prolonging the agony. When it was finally our turn, I went inside the room as well to see if he was going to be just fine. When the dentist finally brought out all materials to be used including the anesthesia, I know my husband was trying his very best to be brave. He opened his mouth and braved the injections (although his mouth and legs were shaking).

He was advised to rest for a week. I didn’t realize the consequence of his one week rest until we got home and I started to work and the baby cried. Oh boy, I had to transform into wonderwoman again. I was starting to get pissed off (but of course it didn’t show) after cleaning the baby bottles and then prepared his food and then feed our baby cried and then he wrote something and showed me this:


English translation: I love you ney. I’m sorry I can’t help. Thank you for taking care of me.

My heart melted and this simple message took away all my exhaustion. My husband is not a vocal person nor does he love to write letters or notes for me. But when I saw this, I realized what a privilege it is to take care and  love my husband. His wisdom tooth is gone but the fond memory of my husband’s sweet note and the wisdom it has taught me about extending my love through serving will never be gone.


Matthew 10:45 “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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