Just like the old times

When I was a kid, Sunday was always a day I look forward to. It is the day of the week where we go worship together as a family then eat somewhere after. I was ecstatic about the eating part but not the going to church part. I didn’t understand anything that’s going on so the pastor’s words were a long agony to me. Years have passed and my siblings and I had families of our own already and we never got to go to church altogether again.

Now, I still get excited to plan where to eat out after worship but I would say I get more ecstatic to spend time with the Lord. When I got to know Him, I learned the true meaning of happiness. When I get tempted to find temporary happiness from worldly things, I remind myself and I get back to finding real happiness with God.

This Sunday was such a blessing because I was able to worship the Lord with my husband, child, parents and sibling. We sang together and praised God together. It was a happy scene to see my parents clapping and crying as they open their hearts out to the Lord. Nobody could ever touch them but God. All credits goes to Him who made this possible.

I was brought to tears as I remember that years ago, when my parents were younger and so am I, we were all standing together in church. But has been gracious that the difference from before is that I understand now the true meaning of worship and I have accepted God as my personal Lord and Savior.

After worship, we ate out (just like old times) and we all got so full. But as for me, not only did my stomach got full but my heart was so full of praise and gratitude to the Lord for making this day possible. I am continuously praying that there would be more Sundays that I get to be with my family to pray, give thanks and worship the God of the impossible.


By keepingupthefaith

A happy wife, married to a wonderful and loving husband, doting mom to two beautiful daughters and a follower and lover of Jesus Christ. Praises and thanks be to God for this wonderful life!

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