Just like the old times

When I was a kid, Sunday was always a day I look forward to. It is the day of the week where we go worship together as a family then eat somewhere after. I was ecstatic about the eating part but not the going to church part. I didn’t understand anything that’s going on so… Continue reading Just like the old times

Filipino Power

I always want to believe that out of every unfortunate incident, something good will unfold. This storm and southwest monsoon combination has already devastated a lot of people and properties in my country. I can’t help but feel sad as I look and see what has happened and feel so much grateful that my family… Continue reading Filipino Power

Keep Praying

What must you do when your prayers are not answered? Keep praying. When we pray, we are enriching our personal faith to God. We establish a personal relationship with God. Through prayer, we grow to knowing the Lord more. I personally have a lot of unanswered prayers. I don’t necessarily feel bad when God does… Continue reading Keep Praying


Today, my husband and I are celebrating our 127th month together. It was a bright sunny day. We were in our college years then and he accompanied me to my school to pay for my tuition fee. On our way home, he said I love you and I replied back and said I love him… Continue reading 127th

How to get the answers to our impossible prayers

A true to life story shared by Pastor Joey Bonifacio from his blog: About a year ago the Quezon City government came to their area to inform the residents that their home lay within the danger zone of the dreaded Marikina fault line. One earthquake and everything could go kaput was the basic message. Their… Continue reading How to get the answers to our impossible prayers

Letters to God

2 Corinthians 3:3 You are a letter… written not with pen and ink but with the Spirit of the Living God I’ve watched this movie and brought me to tears. The story was about a boy battling cancer. He wrote a letter to God everyday. He interceded for the people around him. He prayed that… Continue reading Letters to God

Intercede for Others

We can never underestimate the power of prayer. It is our link to God. It is a way of communicating to God our thanksgiving, repentance and needs. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 ” Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” Oftentimes, we only pray when we are… Continue reading Intercede for Others